
Mission Statement

Our mission is to educate, support and strengthen the image for nurses by speaking out for nursing and speaking out for health. We respect human dignity and are committed to diversity, inclusively and democracy. Our mission is to show leadership through working with our communities, the general public, nurses, other health care providers and nursing organizations and groups to advance the profession of nursing.

RNAO Partnership

The RNAO represents the nursing profession in Ontario, speaking out for health and speaking out for nursing. Their mission is to pursue healthy public policy and to promote the full participation of registered nurses in shaping and delivering health services now and in the future. We believe health is a resource for everyday living and health-care a universal human right. RNAO cultivates knowledge-based nursing practices, we promote quality of work life, and we promise excellence in professional development services. Respecting human dignity, we are a community committed to diversity, inclusivity, democracy and voluntarism. We make leadership our mandate, working with nurses, the public, health-care providers and governments to advance individual and collective health.

RNAO’s Strategic Directions:

  • RNAO influences public policy that strengthens Medicare and impacts on the determinants of health

  • RNAO speaks out on emerging issues that impact on health, healthcare and nursing

  • RNAO advances nursing as a vital, significant and critical contributor to health

  • RNAO influences the public to achieve greater engagement in health care

  • RNAO inspires every RN and undergraduate basic nursing student to be a member